Downloads: AMD 6-Kern Prozessor Patch

AMD 6-Kern Prozessor Patch

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Uploaded by Bleifuss - 09.01.2011
AuthorAuthor Codemasters
File SizeFile Size 3,0 KB
DownloadsDownloads 157
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Dieser kleine Patch (Hot Fix) sorgt dafür, dass auch neue 6-Kern Prozessoren mit F1 2010 laufen wie z. B. der "AMD Phenom II X6"


To apply the fix simply copy the workerMap6Core.xml &
hardware_settings_restrictions.xml files found in this zip to the ‘system’ folder of the F1 2010 install location.

e.g. C:\Program Files\Codemasters\F1 2010\system

hardware_settings_restrictions.xml will be overwritten and workerMap6Core.xml will be added.

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